While looking at search result click the eye icon in the top right to view, re-order, and hide columns:
Here are the available fields in DataRef for the search Results
- Year - The Year of the item that is stored in the DataRef database
- Make - The Manufacturer of the Asset
- Model - The Model given to the equipment by the manufacturer
- Age When Sold - Whenever DataRef has the year an item was manufacture red and the year it sold we calculate the age it was when it sold so that you can get better depreciation schedules
- Auction Date - The Date that the Auction was held
- Price - The price that the item sold for at during the auction it was recorded from
- Auction Number - Dataref uses proprietary numbering of auctions to make sure that you can quickly find, query, and isolate a specific sale
- Item Size - The sizing specifications that are stored for the asset
- Comment - The full description of the item. This outputs our cleaned and longer descriptions. You may want to be careful because this can take up a lot of the page
- Category Name - This is the label that is given to adders so that you can search by type of equipment
- General Info - A short concatenation of the Year, Make, Model, and Serial. Great for printing and having your file take up less pages
- Serial Number - The recorded serial number that is stored in our system
**To add a column simply click on it in hidden columns and it will move to shown columns. To remove a column that is in visible, you can click it to move it to hidden columns. Re-ordering can only be done for the fields in the visible columns
How to Print your selected columns
After selecting the desired Columns from the search page you can select print all or print selected to view the columns you selected.